Wednesday 12 December 2012

Dance Central 3

Dance Central 3 uses a variety of advertising techniques. Humour plays a big part on this advert, not only is the humour used for make the advert funny but it shows that the game doesn't really have a target audience, anyone can play it. 
To help sell the game, Usher makes an appearance. He is a well known music artist and showing him in the advert lets the audience have an idea of what type of music will be on it. This is what makes the target audience aim more towards a younger, modern generation.
The game is made for Xbox Kinect because of this it makes it a more active game, allowing the owner to move around rather than just use a control. 

Assassin's Creed 3

Assassins Creed 3 official trailer

The official advert for Assassin's Creed 3 is aimed to be more of a film trailer, it shows the storyline and the purpose of the game, because of this the audience are likely to be drawn in making them want to buy it. 
Within the advert a range of techniques are used, special effects being the main one. Special effects lets the audience have an idea of what to expect in the game. Branding in the advert shows what consoles you can play the game on. At the end of the advert it shows the date of release and the website where you can pre-order it. 
The producers know that using the different techniques will attract a certain type of audience. Even though the game only takes 18 hours to complete.