Wednesday 27 March 2013

Game Review Evaluation

Game Review Evaluation

Our first task was to collect a selection of reviews from different sources. These had to include 2 print adverts, websites, Forums/blogs and YouTube videos. Although it would be better if we collected one of each, we were unable to get onto gaming websites as they had been blocked on the college macs. Instead we had to revert to only annotating two print adverts, a video from YouTube and if we could, find a review from a website, I found a review on IMDB which I screen grabbed and put onto Blogger explaining what the review told us about the game.

When looking at the different types of sources reviews were written in, we found that they all gave a brief summary of what the game is about. This is important to include in a review because although the reader may be interested in games, they may be unsure of what the game is about if they have not played it before, the reader may be reading the reviews to help them decide if they want to buy the game or not. Another element that reviews include is comparisons. When the writer is talking about a certain aspect of the game such as the graphics, they will say if it has improved from the previous games, if there have been any. They will sometimes compare them to other games that are within the same genre. This could help the reader get a better idea of what playing the game could be like. Reviews will often have a rating that shows how good the writer believes the game is. A rating to the game is important to show their opinion.

Depending on the type of review an audience is reading it may differ because they may not use the same elements or the same layout of other reviews. For instance a print review from a magazine has a different layout to a review from a website. Magazine reviews are written in columns, this makes it easier for the reader to find what they are looking for. A website on the other hand may just be written in one big paragraph, however some website reviews are separated into paragraphs to make it easier to read. Print adverts also include a lot of images. Using Images are helpful to the audience, if they want to know what the game looks like or to get a better look at the graphics.

The two print reviews I analysed are written in the third person. This is useful to the reader because it gives more details about the game and doesn’t necessarily give the writers own opinion. Print reviews written in first person lets the reader make their own choice if they want to buy or try playing the game. The YouTube and website review I found were also in third person. However even though they are in third person, these reviews may be biased. This might change the readers mind about buying the game.

At the begging of all four reviews, the writer talks about the rest of the games series. It compares them and we are told of its improvements and weaknesses. Some reviews try to make their reviews unbiased by trying to add in an equal argument, however they tend to give their own opinion of what the game is like and what they think of it. Within the middle of the reviews they tend to talk about the graphics, achievements, storylines, characters and any new options available. At the end of the review the writer normally talks about the opening and ending of the game. What you then find is they give a final overview of the game. This puts everything together that they have previously spoken about but also gives a rating of the game overall.

The audience that would normally read reviews are normally older gamers who will understand the terms and language used by the person whom is writing/ giving the review. Although the game being reviewed may have a certain age rating, young people who play them are less likely to read reviews. Children and teenager are more likely to listen to what their friends think of the game, they will follow an opinion that someone their own age thinks of the game. Older people who have a career that has something to do with gaming, use reviews as a guide to what they are playing, or if they sell games, this can help because they know what they are selling if they haven’t played it. A more male audience would read a review. Although gaming is for mix genders, certain games and game magazines are just mainly based towards men. Xbox and PlayStation games/reviews are more aimed at men, however Wii and Nintendo are considered to be more feminine consoles. To keep a reader interested in the review they are reader, images and bright colours are used. This helps the review stand out but to also attract the audience. 

Monday 18 March 2013

Game Idea

My game idea – ‘Steer’

My game idea is going to be a racing car game. It is only going to be available on Xbox 360 and PlayStation2/3 consoles. Within the game there are four playing options, Multiplayer  Campaign, online and Arcade mode. When playing the campaign there is a very basic story-line  It is part of a world tour and throughout the game you unlock levels and within these levels you have to complete races to gain new maps, Characters and cars. However, you can design your own car and player by collecting money from every race you complete. Multiplayer differs from campaign. It allows two people to race against each other or be on the same team, racing international players/teams. As you play multiplayer you earn points that, once you have collected a certain amount, unlocks achievements. The online option gives the player an opportunity to connect with other players around the world that also own the racing game on a PlayStation/ Xbox console.
Arcade mode on the game includes, training, small circuit racing and challenges. When training the player will chose a map where they complete a certain amount of laps and then try and beat their previous score/speed. The target audience for my game idea is going to be more of a young male audience ranging between the ages of 16 – 24. The reason for this type of audience is because male genders have more of an interest in cars and racing. Even though there are many racing car games such as, Need for speed, F1 Grand Prix, Ford Street racing, Forza Motorsport etc. this game is going to have better graphics but is going to include F1 racers alongside F1 cars.
The print advert for my racing game ‘Steer’ is going to show an image of Lewis Hamilton, Paul Di Resta and Michael Schumacher racing. The background is going to be black, this makes the pictures of the cars stand out letting the audience know it is a racing game. The reason for picking Lewis Hamilton, Paul Di Resta and Michael Schumacher as the main racers on the advert is because they are three of the most well known F1 racers in the world. The icons on the advert show the target audience, makers of the game and the consoles it is available on. The advert also includes reviews from Xbox magazine saying ‘The new game of 2013’ and also a review from Top Gear magazine that says ‘Makes you feel in control’. These advertise the game by showing good points about it. An audience is more likely to buy the game if the reviews have been good and are more likely to believe magazines that are popular within the gaming business. I chose Xbox magazine because it is the most well-known game consoles in the world. I also chose to have a review from Top Gear magazine because they are a magazine television program purely based around different vehicle’s and have the same audience as my game. The reason I chose the name ‘Steer’ for my game is because that is how you drive a car, you have to steer it. Not only is that but because ‘Steer’ clearly shows it is a racing game. This will attract the right audience. The title of the game is in orange because it stands out against the black background and also orange is used more on racing games. The slogan, ‘Do you feel the need? The need for speed?’ is based around the quote from the 1989 film Top Gun. The reason I used this is because Top Gun is about pilots and my film is about racing. They both relate in a way that both vehicles are used for speed. The slogan also represents the audience being in control of the steering wheel and they are able to control the speed of the car. They are in complete control.

Wednesday 13 March 2013

IMDB game review

This is a game review for the Spiderman 3 game. The source is from the website IMDB. The layout of the review is very simple. It is but into 6 paragraphs. the first paragraph gives a brief story of the game. The writer goes on to compare the graphics of the game with previous Spiderman games but also compares to another game. In the third paragraph the writer gives his own opinion of the game stating that 'the downfalls overpower the pros." In paragraph three the missions are explained. Paragraph four shows the improvements that the game has gained since the previous Spiderman games. The writer goes onto explain in the final paragraph how the characters have also become a negative on the game. This review is more negative towards the game but detailed. The writer explains why the game is not as good as expected but we are also given a few good points about the game.

Black Ops 2 Review - IGN Reviews

This is a Review for Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. The narrator of the video takes the first part of the video to show a clip from the game but also introduces the game. The narrator gives his own opinion on what he thinks of the game, he describes the game as "a new beginning for the franchise". He splits the game into three different sections so it is easier for the audience watching to understand, but also so he can explain the  game a lot more. He starts with Campaign explaining what you have to do, the storyline, graphics and the similarities to the previous Black Ops game. He then goes on to explain the multiplayer option, within this section he tells us how you can choose which type of game you want to play that suits your playing ability. He also compares it to the first Black Ops. The final section he talks about is Zombie. He explains the different options within this such as as adventure mode. It also shows the improvements from Black Ops.